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Jeep Sees Welcoming Road Ahead in Surge to 1 Million Global Sales

指導者 / 總編輯 張蕙娟  分享者 / 王茲筠


Jeep成為Fiat-Chrysler今年及往後的發展重心,CEO Sergio Marchionne設定了一個野心勃勃的目標是2014年達到全球銷售一百萬台Jeep越野車。那將會是自2012的37%後的巨大成長。

100萬台銷售的要素包含了新Jeep Cherokee的強烈需求,Jeep Cherokee是去年底重新推出的新一代中型SUV,終於填補了該品牌在頂級汽車中需求的鴻溝,而頂級汽車是美國市場中最熱門的區塊之一。

此外,Marchionne亦希望增加銷售冠軍Grand Cherokee的生產與銷售,但去年的供給遭逢瓶頸因而受限,最終在底特律工廠得到緩解。
「我們的小Jeep已經到了歐洲。」Marchionne在Automotive News受訪時這麼說,他指出三月的時候將在日內瓦展出目前尚未命名的SUV。

Jeep也希望這一兩年內可以在中國開始進行銷售,端視中國政府批准的速度。Wall Street Journal報導,Marchionne近幾年內想重振久負盛名的Grand Wagoneer,將推出新的版本。
同時,今年要達到一百萬銷售的不二法門就是衝破銷售的大門。所以Jeep在ESPN已經贊助十一年的活動X Games Aspen中,釋出了30秒的全新廣告。

Jeep品牌將在Super Bowl Sunday活動中展示,而這是Chrysler已經承諾會廣告的部分,但這個活動近來的展現,其實也沒有表明哪個品牌有特別受到注目。。


Jeep becomes the focus of business for Fiat-Chrysler this year and beyond, with CEO Sergio Marchionne setting an ambitious target of 1 million global sales of Jeep SUVs in 2014. That would be a huge, 37 percent jump from 2012.
Having cleared away housekeeping obstacles such as the complete unification of Fiat and Chrysler and a now-ended federal investigation of the safety of several old Jeep models in rear-end collisions, Marchionne has been freed to execute his plan for filling out the rest of the Jeep product lineup and turning the icon of American SUVs into a truly global brand.
Elements of the march to 1 million will include strong demand for the new Jeep Cherokee, the mid-size SUV re-introduced in a new version late last year that finally filled the brand’s gaping need for a top-notch vehicle in one of the hottest segments of the American market.
Also incremental, Marchionne hopes, will be increased production and sales of the larger Grand Cherokee, Jeep’s top seller last year—but still supply-constrained because of some production bottlenecks at a Detroit plant that finally have been eased.
“And we’ve got the small Jeep coming out of Europe," Marchionne told Automotive News, pointing to some late-year sales for the unnamed compact SUV to debut at the Geneva auto show in March.
Down the road, Jeep also hopes to begin building vehicles in China within a year or two, depending on how fast the Chinese government finally approves its plans. And the Wall Street Journal reported that Marchionne would like to revive what would be the largest Jeep, with a new version of the venerable Grand Wagoneer nameplate, within a couple of years as well.
In the meantime, the only way to reach 1 million sales this year is to come fast out of the gate. So among other things, Jeep has launched a new 30-second commercial in conjuction with X Games Aspen last week, in its 11th year of sponsorship of the ESPN event.
And, of course, there’s a chance that the Jeep brand and vehicles could get some play on Super Bowl Sunday when Chrysler has promised it will advertise—but, per its recent tradition, hasn’t indicated which brand or brands will get the attention.

Posted by Dale Buss on January 22, 2014 12:14 PM

