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Twitter Unlocks Tweet Analytics for All Users in Social Engagement Race

指導者 / 總編輯 張蕙娟  分享者 / 吳其錚、董侑霖



Dashboard內建四種語言,Wall Street Journal指出:「Dashboard是專門為重度Twitter使用者設計,例如記者、政治人物、名人及所有想要觸及大量人群的使用客戶。」




Dashboard幫助使用者更加了解他們在網站上之行為的同時,Twitter當然也不會忘記他們的所長。Twitter接著推出「飛行學校(Flight School)」,這是一個幫助機構提升行銷績效的學習中心,而這樣的構想最初是在Starcom、MediaVest、WPP和Omnicom上被提出。

SMG的CEO Laura Desmond指出:「針對那些想要在大型的現場、公共及談話型時刻觸及到消費者的行銷人員而言,Twitter是一個最好的行銷環境。利用Twitter直播功能的行銷平台來創造對客戶更具有影響力的廣告活動,是飛行學校(Flight School)所帶給我們更專業的行銷知識。」

In the last week, social platforms including Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr have announcedimprovements to their analytics offerings for brands that advertise on and use their platforms for marketing. Twitter has taken that move and raised it by opening up its analytics dashboard to all users with an active account, not just paying advertisers.

Available in four languages, the dashboard is “designed for the serious tweeter—the journalists, politicians, celebrities and everyone else who are trying to reach a large pool of people," theWall Street Journal notes.

“Understanding why some of their tweets didn’t gain much traction could help users improve their performance, thus increasing engagement—an important metric that is closely tied to the way advertisers view Twitter as an attractive platform. This could be one of the reasons why Twitter decided to make a product previously designed for paying customers to the wider pool of users.”

The dashboard gives a broad view of the number of impressions a tweet has received, favorites, profile clicks, retweets and replies, and how many times users engaged with a tweet and what that engagement was.

“For the first time, advertisers will be able to see how many times users have viewed and engaged with organic Tweets, so that they can more effectively optimize their content strategy," Twitter wrote in a blog post. The new dashboard comes with a dedicated help page that serves up definitions and best practices such as: “Leverage real-time cultural moments like live sports events, awards shows or trending conversations. Mention influencer usernames with large followings or high-volume hashtags in Tweets. Include auto-expanded photos or videos paired with short, conversational copy.”

While the new dashboard will help everyday users better understand their actions on the site, Twitter surely isn’t forgetting about it’s top brands. In turn, Twitter has also launched “Flight School," a learning hub for agencies to help maximize their marketing efforts. The initiative was first tested on Starcom MediaVest, WPP and Omnicom.

“For marketers who want to reach consumers during today’s biggest live, public and conversational moments, there’s no better place than Twitter,” said Laura Desmond, CEO of SMG. “Flight School has given us added expertise to leverage Twitter’s real-time marketing platform to create impactful campaigns for our clients in the evolving digital media landscape."


Posted by Sheila Shayon on August 28, 2014 01:07 PM

