Nurofen's poster hits the spot



1. 單一概念與商業海報都會想要在一張海裡講太過複雜的故事,複雜到沒有一個人可以讀的懂。Nurofen成功的避開了這個錯誤。反觀他們清楚的表現了一個徐徐如生的概念:「讓疼痛無所遁形。」
2. 讓品牌產品成為英雄Nurofen讓品牌產品成為會被人記住的主角,這一點做的十分的傑出。Nurofen的廣告一直都在強調他們聚焦在止痛上,而且行之有年。
3. 和電視合作在我看到了Nurofen海報以後,我發現其實他的電視廣告也是很成功的。都是用小小的動畫Nurofen藥丸對抗疼痛的印象。
4. 簡潔的力量簡潔,在白色的背景加上藥丸發揮成效的光芒,讓溝通變的更有效率。通常商業海報和廣告會想要在海報上說明一切的細項和內容,這也許會讓廣告主很開心。但是,現實並不然對消費赭卻不是這樣,人的大腦通常無法一次處理這麼多外圍訊息。說到簡潔海報的大師就會想到Apple的iPod。和Nurofen一樣,有一個很大的圖案烘托一個概念: 把一萬首音樂裝進你的口袋裡。 所以,我認為在行銷的世界裡,説的少其實可以表達的更多。

  This poster from pain-killer brand Nurofen hit me when walking the girls to school this morning. I thought it really hit the spot. There's a real art and craft to poster ads, and I think this one is good one.

1. Single-minded Many posters try and tell a complex story on a poster, even though no-one is going to stop and read it. Nurofen avoid this mistake. Instead, they have a single thought, "Pain has nowhere to hide", brought to life with a powerful image of the Nurofen character.

2. Brand property as hero Nurofen is a great example of a brand using brand properties to stand out and be remembered, in this case the target symbol. This is used to communicate how Nurofen targets pain, and has been used consistently for many years.

3. Synergy with TV The poster works well with the TV ad, that I watched online after seeing the poster. Both feature the little animated Nurofen tablet working to fight pain.

4. Power of purity The pure, white background adds to the impact, and helps communicate efficacy. There is often a temptation to add in details and text to posters, and advertising in general. This might make the brand owner feel good as they've ticked all the comms objective boxes. However, it doesn't do much in reality, as our brains screen out all this peripheral information. The master of poster purity is of course Apple's iPod. Like Nurofen, we have a single big picture and single thought: 10,000 songs in your pocket. Now, contrast this with the Sony poster below I snapped at Heathrow airport. At least seven different messages all fighting for attention. The conclusion here is that in posters, as with all of marketing, less is definitely more.
