
Chinese Brands Going Global




在中國,建立品牌已成為一個熱門話題。每個人都會問:要如何將本土品牌推向國際品牌?什麼時候才能看到中國自有品牌走入國際?目前所知的品牌有Lenovo和Haier;若定義廣一點,北京與上海這兩大城市也算是國際品牌之一。但究竟什麼是阻礙企業建立品牌的因素?他們的限制是什麼?這是在上海交通大學的品牌研討會中爭論的議題,也是我在過去幾年創造的全球領先的國際品牌網絡。此會議的共識是 :中國企業其實都懂得如何建立品牌,阻礙他們前進的原因不是缺乏Know-How,而是財務與組織能力;此外,中國擁有超過十億人口,即使不開拓新的市場也有極大的成長空間。與市場相對較小的台灣相比,台灣即不斷致力於發展國際品牌。儘管如此,我在中國上海車展中也看到,有些中國汽車廠商已全面致力於國際擴張,例如有些車商針對各國不同市場設計不同車款,且已於國際車展中展示該品牌的車款。(此研討會為一成功創舉,有許多傑出的講者,與上百位佳賓應邀出席。)

Branding is become a hot topic in mainland China. Everyone's asking: How can Chinese companies turn their brands into global brands? What does it take? When will we see the first few global brands coming out of the P.R.C.? And so on. Well, there are already Lenovo and Haier, and if you define a brand a bit more broadly, you can count in the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai, the city, as well. But surely, the Chinese government and Chinese businesses have larger aspirations. So what's holding them back? What are the constraints? These were the issues debated at the inaugural Shanghai branding conference held today at Jiatong University, as part of the Center on Global Brand Leadership network that I have created over the last few years. The consensus: Chinese businesses know all about branding. What's holding them back is not a lack of know-how, but financial and organizational issues. Plus, a huge local market--over a billion consumers in mainland China--that still offers significant growth without facing the challenges of entering new markets. By comparison, Taiwan (a much smaller local market) is further along in pursuing global branding. (Same reason that the Dutch speak better English than the Germans.)?However, as I witnessed at the Shanghai Auto Show, certain Chinese industries - like automobiles - are fully geared toward international expansion. Several Chinese car manufacturers are creating products for overseas markets, and some have already shown their brands at international car shows as well.?(Incidentally, the conference was a wild success, with an array of prominent speakers, some of whom appeared on Shanghai TV's hot Brainstorm show, and attended by hundreds of invited