中高階主管在創意發想過程中常會被老闆拒絕,老闆認為是員工沒有遠見,員工卻認為是老闆思想狹隘,Dr. Schmitt將提出可能的解決方法。

Don't use "my boss is a small thinker" as an excuse




當我在首爾進行「品牌大想法策略」演講時,一個中階管理者問我:「如果我的老闆沒有弘遠的策略該怎麼辦 ?」我首先指出,我也常聽到高階主管說:「若我有遠大的策略想法,但我的職員沒有怎麼辦?」其實我寫了很多有關領導人如何建立組織架構與使用Big Think的文章。例如 :若你擁有一個思考較狹隘的老闆,你必須在組織內開拓一個利基。你可以在別的部門、甚至高級管理人員找到盟友,並使用一個較小但重要的計畫-一個不會讓老闆察覺到有所不妥的計畫,藉此發揮你的遠見策略。 別忘了!不要使用 「我的老闆是個思想狹隘的人」做為藉口。

During a talk in Seoul (South Korea) on Big Think Strategy (see pic), a middle manager asks me, "What can I do if I think big but my boss doesn't?" I first point out that I often hear the same from senior managers -- that is, "I think big, but my staff doesn't" and I describe that I have written a lot about how leaders can set up organizational structures and hire for Big Think. But the questioner insists: what if the boss is a small thinker? In that case, you must try to carve out a niche for yourself in the organization; go for a smaller but significant project -- one that is not under the radar screen of your small thinking boss -- and there, think big! Also, find allies in other departments, even among senior managers. Don't use my boss is a small thinker" as an excuse!