
Bringing your brand to life. Literally

原文網址 : http://wheresthesausage.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/11/bringing-your-brand-to-life-literally.html



ez Paxman發表一篇關於生活體驗融入品牌的文章。有些事件活動徒具噱頭或只舉辦一次而對品牌建立甚少貢獻,但Jez提出的案例則是品牌將生活體驗轉換為長期、策略性的系列活動。Times + 針對事件活動開放特定權限,進而驅使消費者使用其訂閱服務。Apple Camp 在Apple Stores提供暑期線上課程給學童,教導他們使用 iLife軟體,如:Garageband和iMovies。Mark's Work Wearhouse 為加拿大的一個小品牌,在其商店內安裝冷凍室和風扇,顧客可以在攝氏零下40度的冷凍室內穿著其產品(服飾)測試禦寒擋風的效果。Nike Human Race 讓每個人都可以參與全球的10公里慢跑競賽;設定個人最佳紀錄,同時也可以跟國內選手競賽。此生活體驗的做法為Nike賦予了新生命。Mercedes-Benz World 在加拿大Brookland的據點,提供試駕服務。O2's priority campaign 提供客戶專屬的優先權,例如:O2 Venue 、Twickenham 橄欖球賽的貴賓席以及其它運動賽事的門票購買。此活動幫助O2在競爭激烈的手機網絡市場建立獨特地位。Howies Do Lectures 在Welsh Hills舉辦的年度會議對於建立社群及幫助服飾品牌開啟與社區的對話扮演重要的角色。生活體驗在創造一個獨特且與消費者做連結的品牌占有舉足輕重的地位。如何創造與消費者生活相關的事件及如何加強品牌定位將成為主要挑戰,且公司要長期支持此事件,使它們成為品牌資產,而非一次性的活動。

Nice post by Jez Paxman of Live Union on how to make live experiences an integral part of your brand. Live events can be gimmicky and one-off affairs that do little to build the brand. But the examples Jez talks about are different. They show how live experiences can become a strategic and long-term part of the brand mix.

Times + uses privileged access to live events as a way of driving the paper's subscription service



Apple Camp - summer classes at Apple stores teaching kids how to use iLife programmes such as Garageband and iMovies.



Mark's Work Wearhouse - a smallish brand in Canada has installed walk-in freezers with fans to create windchill in its stores so you can trial their clothing and see how they perform at temperatures as low as -40.


Nike Human Race - allows you to compete in a global 10k race, trying to set your own personal best, but also having your time be part of your own country competing against others. One of a host of live experiences that Nike uses to bring to life the brand


Mercedes-Benz World at Brooklands in Surrey allows you to test drive cars on a track

O2's priority campaign gives customers exclusive early access to tickets at the O2 venue, and also entry to a special VIP area at Twickenham rugby ground and other sporting events. This has helped the brand be distinctive in the ultra competitive mobile network market.Howies Do Lectures - This annual retreat in the Welsh hills plays a fundamental role in helping the ethical clothing brand spark conversation and build a community around itself.In conclusion, live experiences can play a big role in creating a distinctive and relevant brand. The challenge is to create events that really connect with your consumer and dramatise the brand positioning. And then put real and long-term support behind them so they become true brand poperties, not just one-shot events.