David Taylor

David Taylor先生為品牌教練聯盟brandgym的創辦人暨經營合夥人,曾獲CIM(英國皇家特許行銷學會)評選為當代50位最重要的行銷思想家之一,曾與Tesco(特易購)、Cadbury's(吉百利巧克力)、T-Mobile(德國移動電信)等多家世界知名品牌合作過。David於1987年在P&G(寶僑家品)任職期間開始接觸品牌管理,1992年在INSEAD(歐洲工商管理學院)取得MBA學位,畢業後在巴黎創立了歐洲最大的行銷顧問公司Added Value,2001年離開Added Value,成立了brandgym,專門協助廠商創造具啟發性的品牌願景,並以創新與革新的概念想法支持輔助品牌願景的成長。 David 同時也是多本品牌暢銷書的作者,包含the brandgym, brand stretch, brand vision, Where's the Sausage 及 Grow the Core。每月固定在The Marketer雜誌發表專欄,也在Brand Strategy,Marketing,Market Leader,The Guardian等雜誌發表文章。

David Taylor is the founder and Managing Partner of the brandgym, a network of senior brand coaches. He has been named one of the world's 50 leading marketing thinkers by the CIM. He helps companies including Tesco, Unilever, Cadbury and T-Mobile create an inspiring vision and the action plans to turn this into growth. David is the author of 5 acclaimed books on branding, including the brandgym and Where's the Sausage? He also writes brandgymblog.com, one of Europe's top 10 branding blogs. David started his career in brand management with P&G before doing an MBA at INSEAD, and then starting up and growing the Paris office of Added Value.