David Taylor

David Taylor先生為品牌教練聯盟brandgym的創辦人暨經營合夥人,曾獲CIM(英國皇家特許行銷學會)評選為當代50位最重要的行銷思想家之一,曾與Tesco(特易購)、Cadbury's(吉百利巧克力)、T-Mobile(德國移動電信)等多家世界知名品牌合作過。David於1987年在P&G(寶僑家品)任職期間開始接觸品牌管理,1992年在INSEAD(歐洲工商管理學院)取得MBA學位,畢業後在巴黎創立了歐洲最大的行銷顧問公司Added Value,2001年離開Added Value,成立了brandgym,專門協助廠商創造具啟發性的品牌願景,並以創新與革新的概念想法支持輔助品牌願景的成長。 David 同時也是多本品牌暢銷書的作者,包含the brandgym, brand stretch, brand vision, Where's the Sausage 及 Grow the Core。每月固定在The Marketer雜誌發表專欄,也在Brand Strategy,Marketing,Market Leader,The Guardian等雜誌發表文章。

David Taylor is the founder and Managing Partner of the brandgym, a network of senior brand coaches. He has been named one of the world's 50 leading marketing thinkers by the CIM. He helps companies including Tesco, Unilever, Cadbury and T-Mobile create an inspiring vision and the action plans to turn this into growth. David is the author of 5 acclaimed books on branding, including the brandgym and Where's the Sausage? He also writes brandgymblog.com, one of Europe's top 10 branding blogs. David started his career in brand management with P&G before doing an MBA at INSEAD, and then starting up and growing the Paris office of Added Value.




Bernd H. Schmitt

史密特博士目前執教於美國紐約的哥倫比亞商學院,創辦該校「全球品牌領導力中心」(the Center on Global Brand Leadership)並擔任總監。史密特博士自1999年發表了最膾炙人口的《體驗行銷》(experimental marketing)一書以來,至今已寫作了七本與品牌行銷有關之商業書籍,包括《顧客經驗管理》(Customer Experience Management,2003)、《大想法策略》(Big Think Strategy ,2007)等,且他的著作被翻譯成二十種語言版本發行。史密特博士經常受邀於世界各地演講並擔任企業諮詢顧問,他同時身兼美國The EX Group的執行長,該公司以提供創新及顧客經驗之諮詢服務聞名,他的客戶包括許多世界知名的跨國企業,例如奧美集團、IBM、HP、西門子、三星電子等。 美國CNNfn有線頻道將史密特博士列為 "Business Unusual"名人榜,史密特博士並經常受邀於BBC, CNBC, CNBC-Asia, CNN, NHK等媒體談論財經時事,他也常發表文章於紐約時報(New York Times)、亞洲華爾街日報(Asian Wall Street Journal)、金融時報(Financial Times)等專業媒體上。

Bernd SCHMITT, Ph.D., is Robert D.Calkins Professor of International Business at Columbia Business School in New York, where he also directs the Center on Global Brand Leadership. He is CEO of The EX Group, a consulting firm focusing on innovation and customer experience. SCHMITT has authored or co-authored seven books which have been translated into 20 languages, including Experiential Marketing (1999), Customer Experience Management (2003), and Big Think Strategy (2007).SCHMITT is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences worldwide. His clients include leading companies in the consumer package goods, automobile, electronics, software, financial services, pharmaceuticals, beauty and cosmetics, hospitality, and media industries.SCHMITT has been profiled on CNNfn's "Business Unusual" and has appeared on BBC, CNBC, CNBC-Asia, CNN, NHK and on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He has contributed articles to The New York Times, the Asian Wall Street Journal, and the Financial Times.