Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs
從Steve Jobs 身上學到的領導力



  自從Steve Jobs於1998年擔任蘋果公司的CEO之後,是否他的任何言行都會影響蘋果的股價? 是的!而在這段時間,美國科技股的納斯達克指數上升了40%。 難怪Jobs被大眾認為是一個最能鼓舞人心的品牌領袖。 我們能夠借鏡Steve Jobs不可思議的領導能力嗎?

  不要以為蘋果品牌代表著一種挑戰規範、擁抱叛逆的生活方式。雖然這種行銷手法深受大眾喜愛, 但蘋果成功的關鍵並不在於此; 而是在於Jobs,他所扮演的關鍵角色持續點燃令人驚嘆的產品熱情。 當然,產品的外觀和感受會創造欲望。 但在使用上,產品和軟體設計也能創造喜悅和驚奇感。 當Jobs重返蘋果時的第一步,就是推出的糖果原色iMac,這是對蘋果印象的重塑。 也因此Jobs獲得啟發,調整了蘋果組織設計流程的突破性產品和軟體,包括iPod、iTunes、iPhone和iPad。
  或許不是所有的產品都像蘋果一樣迷人,但是這不應該澆熄我們對產品和服務的熱情。 因為熱情不僅對消費者很重要,也對員工有著重要影響。根據全球最大品牌諮詢公司Interbrand的研究顯示,銷售你自豪的產品時能產生一股驅使你對於組織的成就感。

2. 做為史詩的說書人:
  Jobs是蘋果的CEO,也是首席說書人。 他不僅是製造產品的,更有一項任務,就是要徹底改變我們創造和交換訊息和娛樂的方式。當說服百事可樂總裁加盟蘋果時,Jobs對John Sculley提出了一個著名的問題:“你想在你剩餘的生命裡賣糖水,還是要來和我一起改變世界? “
  所有品牌的領導者應該創造並傳達一個明確和鼓舞人心的故事。內容包含旅程的目的以及為什麼它值得人們加入。 而且你不必透過一個迷人的故事去銷售一個迷人的產品。 看看百事/奧莫如何透過旅程給予孩子們自由玩耍擁有變髒的權利。 或是幫寶適是如何幫助媽媽與寶寶的每一步發展的方法吧!

3. 指標性的賣點:
  Steve Jobs就是蘋果公司的公眾形象。他在每次蘋果推出的新產品時,儼然就是一位大明星。在蘋果品牌裡,每一新產品都是一段新「章節」。 透過這個角色,他製造大量的免費品牌公關。 在一次採訪中,他更進一步地燃起品牌的賣點。 去Google搜索“Steve Jobs and Apple”,會出現2800萬次點擊次數。
  品牌的領導者要確保他們在宣傳品牌故事時的能見度。英國Innocent純果泥飲料創辦人 Richard Reed便做得不錯。 他有一個傳奇的故事。在某個節日裡,他和他的夥伴們開始測試該公司的原型產品,並將品牌定位,幫助我們攝取容易忘記的每日五份水果和蔬菜。

  總結來說,像Steve Jobs般的領導指的就是對您的產品或服務有著無比的熱忱,並根據熱情將品牌故事傳遞給員工、客戶和更廣闊的世界。 如果你只能幫助股票價格上升2500%,你仍然是一個英雄。

  Any idea what’s happened to Apple’s share price since Steve Jobs returned as CEO in 1998? For perspective, the Nasdaq index of US tech stocks has gone up 40% during this time. The answer is an eye-popping 2500%. No wonder he is widely recognized as one of the most inspirational brand leaders ever. What can we mere mortals learn from the incredible leadership of Steve Jobs?

1. Ignite product passion:
  Don’t let anyone fool you that Apple is a lifestyle brand for people who want to challenge the norm and be a rebel. The lifestyle advertising loved by marketing folk is not the key to Apple’s success. Jobs’ key role has been re-igniting and keeping alight the passion for amazing products. Sure, the look and feel of the products creates desire. But the product and software design creates delight and wonder in use. Jobs’ first move when returning to Apple was to launch the candy coloured original iMac as a symbol of re-invention. He then inspired, cajoled and aligned the Apple organization to design a stream of breakthrough products and software, including iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad.

  We might not all work on products as sexy as Apples, but that shouldn’t stop us having a passion for the products and services we work on. This is important not only for customers, but also for engaging people inside the business. Research by Interbrand shows that selling products you are proud of is the number one driver of organizational pride.

2. Be an epic storyteller
  Jobs is Apple’s Chief Executive Office, but also the Chief Storyteller. He’s not just in the business of making products. He’s on a mission to revolutionise the way we create and interact with information and entertainment. This is summed up by Jobs’ famous question to John Sculley, when persuading the Pepsi CEO to join Apple: "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?"

  All brand leaders should create and communicate a clear and inspiring story about the journey you want to take, and why its worth people joining you. And you don’t have to sell a sexy product to have a sexy story. Look at how Persil/Omo have been on a journey to give kids freedom to get dirty. Or how Pampers are helping mums with baby development every step of the way.

3. Be a beacon for buzz:
  Steve Jobs acts as the public face of Apple. In particular, he is the star of the Apple events where the latest new products are launched, each one a “chapter” in the story of the Apple brand. In this role he generates huge amounts of free PR for the brand. In his rare interviews he further fuels the fire of brand buzz. A google search for “Steve Jobs and Apple” returns 28 million hits. Brand leaders should ensure they are this visible face out there promoting the story of their brand. Richard Reed of innocent has done a great job of this. He has romanticized the story of how he and his mates started the company by testing prototype products at a festival, and positioned the brand as helping us get those elusive five daily portions of fruit and veg.

  In conclusion, leading like Steve Jobs means having a passionate zeal for your product or service, and telling a brand story based on this passion to your employees, customers and the wider world. And if you only help generate a fraction of that 2500% increase in stock price increase, you’ll still be a hero.
