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Dec 14, 2010


Range Architecture Learning from Stieg Larsson's "The Girl With the" Books


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摘要: 系列建構時常流於紙上談兵,用複雜或是理論性的方式說明,卻沒有明確的操作方式或是可行的操作建議。本文藉由地鐵站的一幅廣告,來說明「被龍紋身的女孩」等三部曲是如何操作系列建構,並創造品牌連續性和視覺引導。




1. 創造品牌的連續性

Steig Larsson很明確的塑造「千禧年三部曲」的品牌,實際操作三本書連續性的方式如下: i) 標題及作者的位置和字體。ii) 在鮮明顏色背景上的標題及視覺呈現。iii) 在封面頂端的短評回顧。


2. 品牌資產的力量


3. 明確的視覺引導




I saw the poster below at the train station today. I thought it was a good example of a clear "range architecture".

A lot of the work I see on range architecture still seems to be "powerpoint strategy": complex and theoretical models and strategies that work on paper, but not necessarily on the supermarket shelf. A better idea is to mock your ideas up, put them on a shelf and see if they work.

Here's what we can learn from the "The Girl with the.." books:

1. Create brand consistency

There's a clear brand here in the shape of "The Girl with the.." by Steg Larrson. The brand is executed consistently across the 3 books in terms of: i) position and typeface of the title and author, ii) use of visual + title on coloured background, iii) position of the reviews at the top of the page.

I like the way the ad from the publisher reinforces the brand and encourages buying the series by asking "Which girl do you want for Xmas?". 

2. The power of brand properties

Beyond the naming of the books, brand consistency is also achieved by the "tattoo" visuals. And the mysterious, intriguing style of photography.

3. Clear visual navigation

The books also help the shopper easily navigate the range, with a different visual of the girl and a different colour used for each. We spend ages dreaming up fancy product names. Yet when we shop most of us buy "the red one" or "the blue one" in a range. Navigation should be "intuitive" by using visual cues, not loads of text.

The only thing I would have added perhaps is "Part 1", "Part 2" and "Part 3" of the trilogy, to aid buying them in the right order.

In conclusion, range architecture is about striking the right balance between brand consistency and ease of navigation. And the best way to work on this subject is to mock up your new range and try it out, not rely on powerpoint.