Milka's Latest European Campaign is a Social Experiment in Giving

Posted by Sheila Shayon on September 4, 2013 07:15 PM
指導者 / 總編輯 張蕙娟
分享者 / 游心筠

瑞士巧克力品牌Milka在其兩大主要市場:法國與德國,推出了Dare To Be Tender的行銷競賽活動──Milka切掉了巧克力塊商品的一小角。



Can't spare a square? Swiss Chocolate brand Milka is using 13 million chocolate bars to promote a “Dare To Be Tender” campaign in France and Germany—the brand’s largest markets. But the campaign hopes to give back by taking away—a square of chocolate, that is.

Created by Paris-based ad agency Buzzman, the campaign, which removes one square of chocolate from the traditional Milka bar, required an alteration to the entire manufacturing process. Each bar's packaging contains a special code that can be entered on a microsite where consumers can choose from two options: request the missing square for themselves, or enter a note and address for a recipient who will recieve the "last square" in the mail.

The Mondelez-owned brand will run the campaign—apparently a year in the making—through Feb. 14, 2014, dispensing "tender tips" on the road to Valentine's Day on its social channels and teasing an upcoming "specially tender internet film."

The touching promo makes the product both "the medium and the message," comments Adweek.


