Posted by Robert Truglia on June 28, 2011 04:00 PM


Let Us Tweet: Vatican Gets More Social as iPope Joins Twitter

  羅馬教宗本篤十六世用iPad推出第一條Tweet,宣傳新上線的梵諦岡新聞網站,吸引將近15000名基督徒追蹤梵諦岡Twitter feed。這並不是梵諦岡第一次使用Apple產品,其實在6月22日時梵諦岡就宣佈免費提供iPod給參觀聖約翰拉特蘭大教堂的旅客,此iPod有特製的應用程式來強調教堂的建築特色和基督教歷史。Rev. Caesar Atuire表示,此專案是希望能吸引更多除了禮拜者之外的參觀者,成功的話會再予以推廣。此外梵諦岡尚設有YouTube、Facebook、iPhone app和Blog。

It was a regular Church Social today on Twitter. Around 1:30pm EST today, Pope Benedictus XVI tweeted to the world via an iPad. The holy finger typed up the Twitter message above to promote the Vatican's just-launched news portal, news.va.

When in Rome, tweet as the (holy) Romans do. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church, one of the oldest establishments in existence, has entered the era of Web 2.Oh Holy Father.

Of the over 2 billion Catholics in the world, almost 15,000 followers are following the Vatican's Twitter feed for the News.va site, which features on its homepage today a picture of the tweeting pontiff and the headline "A Historic Tweet" of Pope Benedict (as he's more commonly known in English) tapping out his first tweet.

Surprisingly, this isn’t the Church’s first initiative involving an Apple product. On June 22the Vatican announced a pilot program that will freely lend Apple iPods to visitors of Rome’s Basilica of St. John Lateran. The iPod will feature a customized Catholic App highlighting the architecture of the basilica and facts about Christian history.

Rev. Caesar Atuire, who's overseeing the iPod project at the Vatican's media services agency, commented: “It is designed to appeal to wider audience than the usual churchgoer.” If the program is successful, the Vatican could introduce iPods to other basilicas in Rome by the end of the year.

iReligion, it’s happening — the Vatican also boasts a YouTube channel, a Pope2UFacebook app and iPhone app, and blogging priests, as Mashable notes.

Check out the tweeting iPadaphile in action below:
