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Tim Cook’s Sneak Peek at Apple Watch Promises No Privacy Sneakiness

指導者 / 總編輯 張蕙娟     分享者 / 蔡旻諭
圖一Apple Watch圖示
圖一Apple Watch圖示

Tim Cook保證Apple Watch沒有偷窺隱私的問題


蘋果執行長Tim Cook本周在倫敦發表了一個對於Apple Watch獨特的看法,也分享他對於隱私的明確立場。目前為止在他的直率評論中,他警告說私人資訊已經環繞四周,而人們卻還不知道即將發生什麼事。

隨著提供健康追蹤以及第三方軟體的Apple Watch即將在4月上市,他強調蘋果是個人資料的強烈保護者。Cook說:「我們不應該視政府、公司或任何人有權力可以取得我們的資訊為理所當然,這是個基本人權,我們都應該享有隱私權,我們不應該放棄這權利、更不應該危言聳聽」。

Apple Watch在3月9號發布消息後受到很大的質疑,Cook強調了幾項特色,他相信會讓消費者滿意:

  • 人們會因為時尚的設計而想要穿戴這項裝置,Cook因此稱讚Jony lve的美感設計
  • 這是個傑出的手錶,功能甚至可以精準到50毫秒
  • 可在淋浴間穿戴,也可取代車鑰匙或是信用卡功能
  • APP將隨著Apple Watch生態系統的出現而呈現爆炸性的成長
  • 健康追蹤方面,觸覺回覆系統會輕打使用者的手腕提醒每個小時該站起來動一動或走一下
  • 每當完成一項成就時,系統會贈送徽章當作回饋,這項機制可以激勵使用者去達到合適的標準,甚至提高標準
  • Cook也因為SVP Angela Ahrendts發明了可支持全球Apple Watch的全方位管道以及顧客經驗而稱讚她



Apple CEO Tim Cook, in London this week, gave The Telegraph (and employees) an exclusive look at the Apple Watch—and also shared his (and the company’s) unequivocal stance on privacy. In his bluntest remarks to date, he warned that personal information is being “trafficked around" and people “don’t fully understand what is going on."

He emphatically stated that Apple is a fierce protector of customers’ private data—a concern as Apple Watch gets ready to launch in early April with health tracking and third-party apps.

“None of us should accept that the government or a company or anybody should have access to all of our private information," Cook said. “This is a basic human right. We all have a right to privacy. We shouldn’t give it up. We shouldn’t give in to scare-mongering or to people who fundamentally don’t understand the details."

As for Apple Watch, which faces skepticism ahead of its big reveal on March 9, Cook highlighted the features he believes will delight customers:

  • people will want to wear it as a fashion statement Cook said, praising Jony Ive for its “beautiful" design
  • it’s an excellenttimepiece, he added, accurate to 50 milliseconds
  • it can be worn in the shower, replace car keys and function as a credit card via Apple Pay
  • there’s an “explosion" of apps coming to the Apple Watch ecosystem
  • on the health-tracking front, its haptic feedback (“Taptic Engine" in Apple parlance) will gently tap the wrist each hour to remind users to stand up and go for a walk
  • a rewards system (and a special badge for each achievement) will incentivize users to meet fitness goals and increase targets
  • he also praised SVP Angela Ahrendts (fated to forever have “former Burberry CEO" attached to her name) for creating a seamless omnichannel and customer experience to support the Apple Watch universe.

Asked to comment on the brand’s best year ever, he added: “I’m proud we stayed true to our North Star. We are pro-privacy, pro-environment and pro-human rights."

Posted by Shirley Brady on February 28, 2015 12:15 PM

