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Alibaba Demos ‘Smile to Pay’ Facial Recognition App

指導者 / 總編輯 張蕙娟     分享者 / 董侑霖
圖一 馬雲示範Smile To Pay
圖一 馬雲示範Smile To Pay

阿里巴巴展示臉部辨識系統App─Smile To Pay

阿里巴巴在身份辨識的領域上,做出了全新的突破,有別於以往的指紋辨識、眼球掃描,他們所使用的是人臉識別。創辦人馬雲在2015德國漢諾威電腦展上,展示了阿里巴巴智慧型手機「Smile To Pay」的付費系統。


Smile To Pay目前仍是測試階段,馬雲為了展示這項科技,購買了一張1948漢諾威貿易博覽會的紀念郵票,送給主辦城市市長當作禮物,馬雲說:「在六天內,這張郵票會送達到漢諾威市長的辦公室。」

阿里巴巴螞蟻小微金融服務集團有限公司(Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial)正在發展一個類似Apple Pay的網路支付平台支付寶(Alipay)及支付寶錢包(Alipay Wallet),支付寶在中國的會員數已經超過三億人,而其中有超過一半以上的交易是透過手機行動裝置來完成的。

根據Juniper Research資料顯示,線上支付及行動支付預計在2019年會達到4.7兆美元,所有分食這塊大餅的競爭者如Apple、Samsung和阿里巴巴都致力於提升行動支付的安全性。Smile To Pay最初將在中國推出,馬雲會讓消費者發現,用手機買東西跟用手機自拍是一樣容易的事。


Alibaba just made a huge leap forward in identity verification, moving beyond fingerprint- and eyeball-scanning to facial recognition.
Founder Jack Ma took center stage at the CeBit 2015 conference in Hannover, Germany, to demonstrate Smile To Pay, Alibaba’s smartphone payment system.

“I want to take this opportunity to demonstrate a small innovative product that we designed,” Mastated. “Using online payments to buy things is always a big headache. You forget your password… you worry about security. Today we’ll show you a new technology, how people will buy things online in the future.”

Smile To Pay is currently in beta mode. Demonstrating the technology, Ma purchased a souvenir stamp from a 1948 Hannover trade fair as a gift for the host city’s mayor. “In six days,” he said, “this stamp will be delivered to the office of the mayor of Hannover.”

Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial is developing the technology for the Alipay online payments platform and Alipay Wallet, a service similar to Apple Pay. Alipay has more than 300 million registered users in China, and over half of their transactions are via mobile.
Online and mobile payments are projected to reach $4.7 trillion by 2019, according to Juniper Research. Competition for a slice of that pie is fierce among providers like Apple, Samsung and Alibaba—all striving to crack authentication and make mobile payments more secure.
Smile To Pay will initially be rolled out in China, and Ma is consumers will find it makes buying by phone as easy as taking a selfie.




Posted by Sheila Shayon on March 16, 2015 01:02 PM

